Monday, 25 February 2013

Behold A Nation

Let presume all is well
Though we know truly in our minds
That we are still crawling
Like a snail under its shielded carapace.

Let presume it is well
Though we know we are not yet there
Amidst nepotism and bureaucracy politics
In that which our nation is canonized

Furtherance into our country web of hierarchy
Will renounce your reliable imaginations,
Your emotional inappropriate findings,
And your shortsighted quest around time and space.

Believe it or not
Their says must be well felt
Since they are the holder
Of anything go transient tools.

In doubt or not in doubt
Mysteries will sooner than later
Unveil themselves in due time
This is not far from our reach.

Friday, 1 February 2013

Subliminal adverts or messages should not be

Advertising of product (in its real sense) is justified with the exception of the use of sexual innuendoes, images of nude and other related objects to conjure or lure people to buy such product which is sponsor in print media (like newspapers, bill boards, posters, magazines etc.), electronic media (like televisions and internet ) or both. This form of advertising (otherwise known as subliminal advertising) is the one that is not justified and which I oppose.

Advertising according to Gillian Dyer, is simply drawing attention to something, notifying or informing somebody of something. In more richly, Woodrow (1989) in John Okpoko’s Principles and Practice of Advertising, published in 2008, define advertising as ‘the printed, written, spoken or pictured representation of a person, product, service or movement, openly sponsored by the advertiser and at his expense, for the purpose of influencing sales, use, votes or endorsement’. Advertising in business is necessary in creating awareness for a product, and thus, making people have knowledge of a product, winning likeness for a product, and winning preference and then conviction for such a product.

In the light of the above, advertising can be commended for its power of fostering or enhancing business through the regular sponsor and promotion of goods, services, ideas, images and issues as well as paving way for new products to be known. Advertising also stimulates demand and enlighten people on the use of a given product. Advertising increases the use of a product, it creates competition in the market and gives room for choice on products that is presented before the target wholesalers, retailers, and consumers.

On the other hand, subliminal advertising play upon our biological instinct for procreation by showing women in a false state of arousal. According to Dr. Wilson Bryan Key (1990), subliminal messages or advertising often concentrate on the taboos of society- sex, incest, homosexuality, and at times pagan icons. Also, subliminal advertising or message, according to Business, is a promotional message the recipient is not aware of such as those played at very low volume or flashed on screen for less than a second. Its effectiveness is not supported by scientific evidence and its use is considered a deceptive business practice in some jurisdictions.

From the above, subliminal advertising or message or the use of sexual innuendoes, images of nude women and other related object to conjure appeal in advertising is not reasonable because it is against the role and modesty that the culture, values and standard of the society requires. For every given society have its norms and cultural values and for every society culture, values and standard frown at public display or advertising of one nude all in the name of doing and promoting products, services and ideas.

Subliminal advertising is also opposed because it goes against the role of womanhood to the society. Groups like feminists group- a group that form themselves into a pressure group to protect women’s honour and dignity- also criticise subliminal advertising for its refusal to protect women’s honour and dignity because to them a responsible woman will not agree to any call that want her to commercialised her body for a product.

The use of this penetrative promotional message the recipient is not aware of to influence the viewer or reader subconscious mind is also frown at because it appeal primarily to our emotion and not our intellect or reasoning. You will agree with me that all of us are motivated by emotional drives when we receive the brief flashing image of half naked girls on our media and this image is not usually recognised but it is unwillingly perceived and stored to be recalled at a later time, often without effort.

Furthermore, the use of naked images or half nude images of ladies shown with open mouths, enlarge pupils and whitish eyes is seen as a very sensual and sexual gesture of submission by men and even women (who practice lesbianism) to the deceptive message that appear before them and thus lure or conjure them to buying the product which in turn might turn to be a false and inferior product. This way of persuasion or advertising is frown at because it only false impress, mislead intentionally and not truly pass information that will give exact analysis of the true expectation of such product without any element of romantic, cajoling and erotic pictures or images.

Subliminal advertising is also not justified because of its biasness in terms of gender equality. Subliminal advertising is criticised for being impartial by concentrating the use of female images on specific products which male images feature fewer or none in the advertisement of such products. Products that women are mostly used for its advertisement include furniture, household, household and goods, appliances, food, make up and rarely featured in advertisements for authors, travel and utilities.

Also, subliminal advertising is also frown at because of the risk it create for those women who accept to display their body before the camera. The risk highlighted for these advertisers is that such immoral display of their body before the camera can tarnish their good image and jeopardize their reputation. It is also argued that such people may lose confident and support from their people. They may also be disowned or banished from their society and may be disowned by their family, brothers and sister because of their engagement in what is not condone by their society and their people
It can be said, from the above points, that subliminal advertising not only ridicule womanhood but also dehumanised and lower the status and pride of the womanhood and as such, make subliminal advertising or the use of sexually arousal images and related objects to conjure advertising appeal not justified and which I therefore opposed with my points.

Having said these, though subliminal message is very rampart globally, but yet it can be avoid and totally eradicated from our media by the following recommendations or measures. It can be measured by screening of any advertising copy before it is being produced in broadcast media and published in print media. Also, by ban of any promotional or advertising messages that is offensive, vulgar or obtrusive to the mental, emotion, and psychology of the audience.

Also, advertising profession and industry should be regulated by code of conducts or ethical values that will stipulate and guide them towards a decent way of advertising other than the exploitation of the images of the female sex in advertising and this ethic should be designed in such a way that will suit a particular culture, norms, values and standards of their society.

Furthermore, those group, society and individual authority campaigning against subliminal advertising or massages should not stop until their positive goal of change is actualized. Thus, these bodies should continue their enlighten campaign that will show other productive and lucrative means or business of making money and fame that individual and most especially subliminal advertiser can venture into at the expense of subliminal advertising.

In conclusion, the media (i.e electronic and print media) that serve as the channel of disseminating subliminal messages or advertising should observe their editorial independence, which empowers them to decide and determine the content of the messages that pass through their media and not to glorify subliminal advertising by accepting it but they should frown at it. In the same vein, the government should also be on the alert to ban any media house that set to be promoting advertising of obscenity and nudity message and the government should as well be ready to withdraw his lincence from any station that promote subliminal advertising and should never issue lincene to a station that is established mainly to promote subliminal messages or advertising.